G-Thoughts #2 Patience

What's going on everybody and welcome back to G-Thoughts! This is just a place where I can speak my mind, speak my opinion and really share words that bring value to my life and hopefully bring value to yours as well! Today's word….. today's word…. Ooh sorry! This word just makes me feel some type of way! Today's word is Patience! 

Now if you're like me and you're a dreamer and you go after your dreams and chase your aspirations in life you know this word really really well! This is probably like one of the biggest  life lessons I've ever had to learn! Shoot, I'm still learning the word patience! For me being an entertainer one thing I have learned from the entertainment world is NO just means NOT YET! I have gotten so many no's in the past; that it felt like people were singing that verse from the song Bohemian Rhapsody to me. 

I got so many no's in the past but when I look at it in hindsight; I realized I just wasn't ready at the time! One of my favorite actors from Chicago, Jason Weaver, y'all remember Jason Weaver he played Marcus off a Smart Guy. I'll never forget a quote he said during an interview that has stuck with me ever since i heard it he said “You're not going to be blessed with something until you are ready for the blessing”

Preach! So if you have dreams and aspirations in your life that's great, but just know these kinds of things take time and you're going to need patience! Great things are coming your way right now and opportunity is right in front of you; you just got to be prepared so stay ready that way you don't have to get ready and have some patience! Let's do better than we did yesterday!




G-Thoughts #3 Passion
