G-Thoughts #4 Energy

What up what up and welcome back to G-Thoughts! This is just a place where I can speak my mind, speak my truth and really talk about words that bring value to my life and hopefully yours as well.​​ Today’s word is Energy! 

Listen, I don't care if you're the fastest man on your team, best singer in the group, I don't care if you're the strongest man alive! If you ain't got energy you ain't going nowhere! One way I like to keep my energy up is by exercising and eating healthy. Now when I say exercise I don't just mean the body, I mean the mind as well! Reading, meditation, all these things are going to make you stay up and active. 

One thing to beware of with your energy is protecting it. Be careful of the people you surround yourself with. Y'all know exactly who i'm talking about; “Energy Vampires”! Do not be afraid to distance yourself from these people even if some of them are your own family members! At the End of the day your peace of mind and happiness should be top priority! We must separate to elevate sometimes! Let's be more mindful of what we allow near and in our bodies! You got this, let's go!




G-Thoughts #3 Passion